How my journey began
Despite having all the academic knowledge that comes with a doctoral degree and 20 years of practice as a psychologist- I still struggled with treatment-resistant depression. Eventually, I just chalked up my “stinking thinking” to genetics and maybe an extra tool in my belt when validating other patients’ experiences of their own depression.
Yet, fear, resentment, and overwhelming sadness would sometimes hijack my entire system. I began researching the use of psychedelics in treatment-resistant depression (TRD) and was floored by the efficacy, which was only rivaled by ECT at 78%. Yet, ECT always carries long-term memory issues, whereas Ketamine does not.
For me, Ketamine was like a much more gentle chemical ECT in that it seemed to unlock so many old patterns, automatic thought processes, and attachments- just after the first session. Through dissociation facilitated by Ketamine, I was able to detach from unhelpful subconscious constructs.
Still, to this day, I have a newfound freedom from symptoms that were cyclical throughout my entire life. I am passionate about bringing this new age of healing to my patients now.
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Awards I’ve Won
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Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.
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